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Author Topic: Thin Clients (serial # and other info added in build 108)  (Read 14397 times)


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Thin Clients (serial # and other info added in build 108)
« on: October 02, 2008, 02:53:00 PM »
hi there!
i am using the evaluating version of the software to see if it can be succesfully used whidin the company. The main issue that i`ve run upon our network and it seems to be a problem when we try to scan a thin client manufactured by HP the t5720 model with windows xp embeded. At the serial number box in the information retrieved the following error ocures: \"WMI: ActiveX component can\'t create object\", and also in other areas but this is the most important for us. Is there any way to show the serial number corectly? Another thing that i have to mention is that this is the main criteria for buying this software.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 10:41:10 PM by Komodo Support »

Komodo Support

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Thin Clients
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2008, 03:50:42 PM »
Hello there.  Unfortunately WMI is the only method we\'re using to get the serial #, however we are interested in changing this.  Apparently your thin clients, like many, weren\'t imaged with WMI included.  Most other software like ours only use WMI while we\'re trying to stop using it where we can.

Is it ok if we emailed you at the address you signed up with on the forums?