Hi and thank you for the compliments. It sounds like you\'re very knowledgeable and that you\'ve got everything set up properly. It seems to us you should be able to get to the ADMIN$ share.
Vista Computers:
On one of those Vista machines, can you check that LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy in the following path and is set to 1?:
I assumed having TokenFilterPolicy on meant it should, but I want to make sure.
XP Pro SP3:
I can\'t think of any settings to change that would fix this at this time, but you could try disabling Norton one on of those temporary just to rule it out. Since Norton is on the other XP PCs, it shouldn\'t be causing it, as I\'m sure you agree, but it\'s the only thing I can think of right now.
The fact that you can\'t get to the ADMIN$ share from Windows after entering credentials shows it\'s a Windows security issue and not NEWT-specific, but it does affect NEWT so we try to help where we can.
On the XP and Vista machines, can they access their own ADMIN$ share from themselves?