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Author Topic: Testing Slitheris  (Read 18236 times)


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Testing Slitheris
« on: March 01, 2016, 05:33:46 PM »
I have been using Newt for a long time (I think before version 2 actually) and I love it. I have a few different scanners but Newt is always my primary one.
Today I clicked on the messages and I saw the announcement for Slitheris (I wished I had seen it earlier so I could have taken advantage of the promotional pricing).
I am testing in the networks and there are interesting parts.
Could I suggest an option to tie together multi homed systems? Mainly my servers might have several NICs, and it would be cool if it could put all the IP together.
I also noticed that is not fully aware of clusters. Just a tip.
I am also wondering if SNMP will be added. My switches, UPS and printers have custom set SNMP

Komodo Support

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Re: Testing Slitheris
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 06:43:48 PM »
Thank you for the compliments and for being the first to post in the Slitheris forum.  As you may know, one of our goals is to combine the features of both products at some point into a NEWT Pro v4.  Until then we're working to improve the Slitheris scan engine in its own version 2.0.

The promotional price was only $16 less for the 256 device/Class C license and just $30 less for 500 devices.  As it stands a 256 device license is only $95.  We feel that's reasonable for what it does.  Version 2's cost will likely double due to the planned improvements.  All upgrades are free, so you're saving more in the long run.

We're glad you mentioned grouping of multi-home and clustered systems.  These two features are on our list for version 2.  We've gotten multi-home worked out in our internal tests, but haven't yet explored clusters.  We'd like to set up a test cluster at some point, and perhaps you and others can help us with testing.

Slitheris currently only uses a "public" Community String for SNMP.  We may soon add multiple strings to version 1, but this and credentials for PCs/Servers are planned for version 2, along with many other great features.

Improving Device Type classification is by far the most ambitious goal for Slitheris v2.  We're pretty excited about it.  Knowing what a device is would be invaluable to many, which is why we decided to include it as a "Hint" in v1, even though it's still highly experimental.  Other planned features include faster network scanning, basic automated scanning, full support for large IP ranges with better ways to manage them, a database backend, a real manual, improved GUI with actual options, more realtime feedback and a few others we can't mention here.

Our primary goal with Slitheris is to give everyone the best network overview possible, quickly, with the least amount of effort.  We hope you and others get where we're going with it and find it useful enough to fuel its development by purchasing.

Broadway Lion

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Re: Testing Slitheris
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2016, 02:21:05 PM »
Looks like I am on the bleeding edge of something. What I cannot find is a help option or a manual to download. Perhaps you have not gotten that far yet. In any event I see some entries such as Li***Demo***52 and this is in a place where I expect a computer named "Library-16" to appear with an IP number of Clearly this is a place holder of some sort, but this is just the computer that I have been having trouble locating int the first place. I had gone onto Spiceworks to look for my "Network in Hiding" and one of the solutions that they came up with was your program which I downloaded.

So this brings me back to square one... Why can I not reach all of my network correctly?

Well This is indeed a start anyway.

Thanks, Elias

Komodo Support

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Re: Testing Slitheris
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2016, 11:14:26 PM »
Hi and thanks for the compliment.  We're pretty excited about the future of Slitheris.  Correct, we haven't written a manual yet, but it is pretty easy to use.  Version 2 will have a full, well-written manual.

As for your issue, Slitheris comes in both a Pro version and a Freeware flavors.  Instead of separate apps, we decided to keep them together for simplicity and convenience.  That way you can use the Freeware version like you would other free network scanners with unlimited devices and no "***Demo***" limitations, but also have access to a demo of the Pro version, which is free for up to 25 devices or PCs.

What you're seeing there is Slitheris Pro running in demo mode, so everything after 25 devices you'll see "***Demo***" covering up certain info.  We thought this was much more preferable to stopping the scan at 25 devices for the demo.  We'll try and make that more clear in a future update.

In this case, I would try switching to the Freeware version, which should available in the interface.  Once you do that, you should be able to see the PC's names just fine.  The Pro version has many more columns of data, while the Freeware version is mostly limited to columns other Freeware scanners provide, with a few extra thrown in.  The Freeware "mode" uses the same advanced scanning techniques of the Pro version to get more devices and better scan results than your average free IP scanner.

Of course by tomorrow morning you'll have a Pro license key for Slitheris so you won't need to use the Freeware.  Thank you for your purchase!

Komodo Support

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Re: Testing Slitheris
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2016, 04:09:48 PM »
After you've received your Slitheris license, we'd like to help you figure out why your computer names aren't what you expected.  Slitheris pulls what it thinks is the Device Name from 10 different possible sources on a device and display that.  One of those sources is DNS.  It should only use the DNS name when it can't find an appropriate name for the device.  Sometimes your DNS server (or local DNS cache) has an old entry that remains for days, depending on your DNS server.  So that's what it may be doing in this case.

It sounds like in v2 we should warn the user when it's using DNS for the name.