Hi, thanks for the compliments! \"Last used\" as well as other data such as \"Frequency of Use\" are gathered from \"Add/Remove Programs\", which we found later is incorrect. We\'ve actually thought about removing this feature since it\'s more often than not, unreliable. This feature was added as an afterthought. We saw Windows reported it, and so we also assumed it was correct.
What you\'re wanting is something called \"Software Metering\" (search for it on Google). This would require a program that actually sits and stays running on all the computers, monitoring and recording what programs are used, how often and for what length of time. This would let you know what\'s being used so you can uninstall or move licenses from/to different machines to improve software license compliance. In the future, we\'d love to add such a feature to NEWT. This will take some time though and would probably be an \"add on\" module.