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Author Topic: Can\'t install on 2k3 Server  (Read 13136 times)


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Can\'t install on 2k3 Server
« on: January 05, 2004, 08:50:19 PM »
Finally talked my boss into ordering the licences, and trying to install the 10 machine demo on my primary workstation running 2k3 Server.
Once downloaded, i am recieving: "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program" upon launching the .exe

I re-downloaded it a few times, and tried "opening" from the location, all ending up with the same error. I didn't see 2k3 support mentioned anywhere, but figured i'd try anyway.

i planned on installing the demo then feeding it the licence, is this the correct order of operations?

Komodo Support

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Can\'t install on 2k3 Server
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2004, 11:31:32 PM »
I'm not sure it's ever been tested on Win2K3, but it should work.  Have you tried running the setup EXE on another machine, perhaps one running XP Pro or Windows 2000?  The reason I ask is we believe the corruption error and running it under Win2K3 is unrelated.

If you get an error saying the setup files are corrupt, could this be due to a virus on your side?  When the setup runs, it checks itself for data integrity and if it's not an exact match, you'll get this error.  Viri will cause this.

You could also try downloaded the demo from another machine to see if that works.

Yes, the way our software is licensed is that you download the demo and paste in the information sent when purchased.

Please let me know what you find out.  We want to make sure we get everything working for you.

If you need a quicker response, please write to support@komododigital.com.


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Can\'t install on 2k3 Server
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2004, 12:57:18 PM »
Interesting. Re-downloaded it today and it's working fine. Pulled in down on another 2k3 server, and some 2k pro machines and it's working.

Scanning some other 2k3 servers, and the OS type is coming back as: "Contact Author: 8XXXXXX"
with a different string of #'s for each machine.

Komodo Support

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Can\'t install on 2k3 Server
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2004, 06:57:07 PM »
Great, we're glad it's working for you!

There are 2 OS Types in NEWT Pro.  One is scanned using WMI and the other uses an internal database.  This is the same OS Type that is seen in the Network Browser when you browse the network.  This realtime OS Type information started as an experiment but has grown into a very useful feature.

Most database OS Types are included in NEWT Pro, but some newer or more rare types may not be.  Therefore we use a file called "newtpro.dat" installed in the NEWT Pro folder to determine not only OS Type, but also CPU Type.  As users report new OS Types to us, we add these to the database, make the .dat file available for download and include it in the distribution.